ESCRS 2022 came back with glory in Milan, Italy. We were honored to welcome many ophthalmologists, healthcare professionals, and attendees to the scientific program at ESCRS 2022, Milan, Italy during 16 – 19 September 2022. We felt delighted meeting eminent doctors from different parts of the world and having received their experiences with Biotech IOLs.
Presentations from the renowned doctors from Spain, Italy, Turkey, and India during Biotech Satellite Symposium titled ‘Mastering Precision and Predictability- Biotech Premium IOLs and Challenging Case’, were interesting, engaging and received overwhelming response from the audience.
During the congress, we also unveiled our latest innovation in the ophthalmic segment – Eyecryl SERT at the global level. This product launch event was equally exited for both, us as well as visitors, as our visitors provided us an opportunity to explain more about Eyecryl SERT by asking series of questions.
At our on booth Experience Lab, hands-on training for doctors were provided which helped them to understand the right technique of loading and implantation of the IOL on our flagship product Eyecryl Phakic.
The expert sessions held at our booth were equally captivating where visitors got to attend, interact and discuss with renowned ophthalmologists on various topics of the realm.